The Power In You Program™
Create the freedom, life & business that your soul deeply desires

(Minus the sabotage, sacrifice, burnout, limits & overwhelm! )

Seriously. It's time to stop struggling, start rising and be who you came here to be.

This 9 week transformational coaching program is designed to help you do exactly that.

Sign up for the next round of this program!

You’ve been called...

Whether it’s in your life, business, finances or creativity, it's time for change.

Your deepest desires, the life & business meant for you are calling you.

This program is for you if you'
re ready….

1. For crystal clear clarity

Because without clarity, you’re not 100% sure of who you’re called to be or what you’re being called do.

You’re so over feeling stuck, lost and confused.

2. To bridge the gap between where you are and where you’re going.

No more letting your overwhelm, fears, doubts, confusion, imposter syndrome, lack and scarcity hold you back.

You’re so ready to take it to the next level and to finally feel like you have arrived. 

3. To actually enjoy the journey forward and receive.

This work has shown me when you break through and rise in purpose in your life and business, other areas of your life can break down. You experience loss. Relationships, your inner stability, your emotional, mental and physical health, family issues and drama can kick off.

Past wounds/experiences rise to the surface. Your work/ life balance might be non existent. You’re feeling caught on the back foot, whilst chasing your tail with not enough time, energy, money and/or resources in their life, business, finances.

This can feel exhausting.  

I see you, I feel you and I’ve got you covered.

Honestly, this is all very easily tweaked. 

When you do the inner work that is. 

Here's what I've learned in the 12+ years of doing this work:

When multiple problems arise in our lives, businesses, relationships, health and finances, there’s only ever one problem: we have disconnected from who we truly are. 

The solution? Connect with who we truly are.

The Power In You Approach™ does exactly this and will help you with ALL of the above.

Whilst also helping you dissolve and transform the blocks that inevitably rise as you do so.

No more you v's you.

Hi - I’m Brona.

I’m a certified transformational coach in life and business with a super power for transforming blocks into powerful stepping stones, leaving the clients I work with free to create their desired success.

Because the truth is we did not come here to struggle and play small and I'm including you in that sentiment.

> You came here to be free.

> To be the powerful force you were born to be. 

> To break the mould, contribute and be 100% true to yourself and your path.

> To use your life, business, creativity & finances as a vehicle for your soul, purpose, gifts & joy.  

> Minus the struggle, sacrifice, sabotage, burnout & limitations. 

All of the above are totally possible for you. 


You don’t get to be, do or create any of it without fully connecting to the power in you.

Whether in your life, business, creativity or finances, the path of fully reclaiming your power is one of healing and growth. Period.

And the good news is...

The Power In You Approach™ is a tried, tested and proven approach that has helped 100's of beautiful souls worldwide like you, to be, do and create whatever they are being called in their heart and soul to be, do and create in this lifetime.

Not only do clients walk away feeling and knowing in every cell of their being and body that they are on the right path meant for them, they also experience tangible mind blowing results.

I really believe this approach can do the same for you.

But that's not my good news.

My good news is that I've turned this powerful approach into a 9 week program.


I invite everyone to work with Brona, in whatever way works for you as she is the most incredible coach you will ever work with.

 If you do, BIG BIG things will happen for you - trust me on this one!

Previously to working with Brona I thought I had been doing the work on myself - reiki, ancestral healing, life coaching, counselling, bio energy, acupuncture, retreats, meditation, book after book on self improvement/wellness- despite all this I felt stuck, lost and felt I was going around in circles chasing my tail.

I have met my life partner, who is way better than I ever could have imagined. Moved to my dream location, sandwiched between mountains and the sea, where I can watch the sunset for my couch. I have received a job offer which is DOUBLE the salary of my current job.

With the tools Brona provides she will bring awareness to places within yourself you never knew existed. Her amazing energy and love shines through every email, video, worksheet and session and her light instantly makes you feel better and ready to take on whatever challenge is ahead. Working with Brona was one of the best decisions I ever made and I'm so grateful for all she has taught me.

- Deborah Cahill (Sligo, Ireland ) -

I want to create wins like this - Sign me up!

It's doesn't matter where you're at in your life and business.

The beauty of this approach and program is that they meet wherever you are and will bring you to where you want to go

Here are the wins and mind-blowing results that clients celebrate using this approach:


> Dream job offers out of nowhere and during world pandemics 

> Leave jobs and set up successful purpose driven businesses and do meaningful work that their soul deeply desires

> Get paid more, work less, stress less and experience more joy 

> Nourish better relationships with the outer resources of time and money

> Move countries 

> Start new careers

> Heal family relationships

> Meet soulmates

> Are propelled forward into action from a place of enthusiasm


> Develop a soul aligned business strategy, they have clarity of the path forward in business. One that feels aligned and ‘right’ in body, mind, heart and soul.

>  Their businesses expand and grow.

> Have record business months ( up to triple their monthly revenue!)

> Have their best launch ever in the history of their business. 

> Create new income streams and offerings in their business

> Receive increased business revenue and income.

> Consistently show up, energised in their business.

> More effective use of time, energy and resources for a greater impact and higher profit in business

All these results have come from beginning within and clearing out everything that was holding these clients back: spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. 

These really are the happy side effects of the work we do. 

The real big wins are internal.

Clients report feeling lit up with...

> Awareness of their own light, their power to be illuminated by it and be a conscious creator.

> Huge AHA’s and break throughs. Finally seeing and transforming what’s really been holding them back and consequentially letting go and transforming their blocks into powerful stepping stones. 

> The release of the past and healing of long held wounds, past hurts and/or issues.

> Finally ending the struggle they have with themselves, their ‘negativity’ and feeling pulled of track by other’s and life in general. ( Hello guilt-free boundaries)

> Feeling at peace and healing from family, challenging and past abusive relationships. 

> Happiness in their own skin. Acceptance of self and of life. Loving themselves, feeling content as they are regardless of where they are in life, business and/or on the weighing scales. 

> An ability to turn down the noise in their minds and process their emotions/ feeling in new ways that really serve them ( V’s feeling like a loser for having feelings and for basically being human.).

> A deeper sense of self worth. 

>Certainty of their true purpose and a clear direction forward.

> Feeling like they belong in the world.

What past clients are saying...

Have a listen and get inspired about what's possible for you...

Input Paula Heaney of Skinny Malinky's |

Naomi Sheridan of NOMS |

Nadalena De Julio | USAs

Rachael Hegarty | Ireland

Treasa Spragg of The Revolution Project |

The Power In You Program™

Everything whole in nature exists in 4 and us humans are no different.

The number '4' is also associated across ancient spiritual traditions and sciences as being the number of power, balance ( think of the square and its 4 x sides), wholeness, home, foundations, solidity and the transformation of ideas into form, in other words, manifestation.

Typically as a society we tend to focus on the power of the mind along with physical action ( masculine power). This leads to burnout, depletion, lack, overwhelm, dis-ease etc and a lot of beating oneself up.  

This means that you are only tapping into 50% of your inner resources and expecting 100% of the results.

Although change might happen, unless you harness the resources in your spiritual and emotional bodies ( feminine power), it will always require more effort, pushing, stretching, straining and willpower. Which leads to frustration, burnout, overwhelm, giving up, negative inner talk and so the cycle of self sabotage continues on. 

Leave these out and your best laid plans will fall prey to struggle with a re-emergence of so called ‘negative’ emotions and patterns. 

The Power In You Approach™ and program will help you tap into ALL of your inner resources.

These 4 bodies are vital sources of power and are the solid inner foundations upon which you get to be you and build your best life and/or business empire.

Spiritual Power

Tap into your spiritual body to feel alive, inspired, magnetic, joyful & illuminated with truth.

Time to set your soul on fire and become
un-knockable, un-shakeable and un-stoppable with your crystal clear clarity.

Mental Power

Tap into your mental body to feel present, focused, free, peaceful and calm.

Time for the power of your mind to serve your illuminated soul, not limit, block it and hold you back. 

Emotional Power

Tap into your emotional body to feel energised, vibrant, emotionally stable, open and receptive.

Stop wearing your past in your energy field and creating what you don’t want. It’s time to rewire this energy for your greatest and Highest good. 

Physical Power

Tap into your physical body to feel empowered, clear and grounded.

Get so inspired that you can’t not take action and you move forward with ease. Create space for the new. Use your body to guide you.

What this program covers...

This program is not about theory.

We go in and we go deep. It’s life changing transformational stuff.

Get deep & Divine with desire & design for your life and/or business

You don't get to experience your Highest path in this life time without navigating your Unique Soul Path™ ( USP). Understanding this path is key to actually creating the life and/or business that are meant for you. If you desire to be 100% true to yourself, manifest and bring your deepest desires to life and be who you came here to be, you're going to SOAR with this exploration.

Connect deeply with your Soul/ intuition & crystal clear clarity

Creating an inside out vision is key for navigating the path forward with ease into the unknown, whilst also becoming a magnet for your soul's desires. Doors open for clients that they didn't even know were there. That's how powerful this process is. ( Not sure what you want? No worries. I got you covered. )

Bridge the Gap

Move from ‘I want to be there already’ to ‘I am here!’.

This module will catapult you forward ( Especially if you're not where you want to be in your life and business right now!). The gap is only ever an internal one. This is not about going out into the world, forcing and pushing to make 'it all' happen. That's old school. What you are looking for is not out there, it's in you. You're the change. The new can only ever birth through you. Here we begin to make space for new ways of being in your everyday life so you draw your desires to you.

Rewire your Fear: Transform your Blocks into Powerful Stepping Stones Forward

Stop getting in your own way, doing the same things on repeat whilst expecting new results, or worse still, moving in the opposite direction of what you want. It's time to work with, heal and transform your emotional blocks ( V’s going against them!). Shame, guilt, anxiety, fear, confusion, resistance, frustration - bring it all to this module. This module is all about letting the pull of what holds you back become the power to propel you forward. We move from shadow power to POWER.

* Clients comment that this is something they come back to time and time again and share that they've never done anything like this before. )

Anchor Deep into your Soul's Purpose and/or business mission

If you desire fulfilment, meaning and un-shakeable confidence on your path forward, you're going love this. Whether it's your first time exploring or you're here for the reminder. Here you are getting clear about who you are, what you are here to do, the energy of which, will guide you forward. This is high attraction energy.

Get energised. Power Up. Release the past and what you don't want from your life. Make space for the new.

You've heard of super foods? Well, I'm going to be sharing the best of the best super tools. These really are the ultimate for all new levels of self love, energy mastery and freedom from the shackles of the past.

When you're looking to create and birth the new in your life and business, it's vital to let go and release the old.

Make Space to Receive, Receive & RECEIVE!

You can have a crystal clear vision. You can know what you want. You can have a clear strategy. You can take inspired action. BUT. You won't get to enjoy any of it or create the results you desire, unless you un-block your ability to receive.

Shadow power, procrastination, burnout, depletion, lack of self esteem and self worth. These are symptomatic of shadow wounds and identities that block your ability to receive. Time to say bye to all of the above and activate True Divine Balance™ in your masculine & feminine energy so that you get to birth and create who and what you are here to birth.


1 x Immersion Call

4 Foundations of Power Are covered in this program

Let's get you set up for success. This will be the perfect kick start where I will support you in getting really clear and intentional about what you are inviting into your life/business. I'll also guide you through how you can receive the most from our time together.

This is tried, tested and proven material, energy tools and processes. The modules will be released each Friday and will be a mix of video, PDF and audio.

2 x Live Q & A Calls Each Month

Receive support, ask questions and/or jump in a hot seat so that you can integrate whatever you've explored/uncovered/ discovered in that week's module.

** Be part of a like minded Community

A timeless tool kit that you can tap into as and when you need it

I've highlighted this becomes it ends up being a highlight for those who join the group programs I host. CONNECTION is so important as is community. It's also super powerful to be doing this as part of a group as the energy really is amplified. If you're shy, anxious or nervous about joining a group program, check out the FAQ's.

The beauty of these energy tools and processes is that they are timeless and transferable.  Whilst what we use them to transform in our lives, businesses, relationships & finances evolves and changes, as we ourselves naturally evolve, change and grow, these tools remain the same. They can be used as and when you need them. 

Before working with Brona, I felt lost and certainly not the person I knew I once was or could be. 

 I was unsure of life’s direction, although confident in appearance I always doubted myself when surrounded by people I viewed as superior, I felt I wasn’t as good or as knowledgeable. I faced financial challenges along with lack of self-belief. I had no idea what my future would be like and whether I could support myself and family.

 Over the last 5 years I had tried business clubs, networking business associates along with friends advice. Nothing worked and all left me doubting myself further.


Just a note to say you’re a little witch (not ugly nor wicked) quite the contrary, but a witch all the same. 

Now there are many types of witches, ones we run from and ones we run to.

The word witch comes from old English and was linked to the words, wit, wise and wisdom but in its practice differs from wizardry and sorcery as she doesn’t necessarily require the use of tools in wielding her magic (unless we consider Zoom a tool) but rather casts her spells in thought, power, energy, laughs and smiles instilling belief in her subjects/clients and bringing forward and awakening the power and energy within her subjects to allow them cast their own spell and realise the ‘hocus pocus’ within..... 

Not sure if you remember how I wrote several thing down that I told my future self and my spirit that I was looking forward to and grateful for. 

  • Thank you for all the people I haven’t yet met but I am looking forward to meeting them. Tick.
  • Thank you for the financial freedom and increased income. Tick.
  • Thank you for the clarity in my business. Tick.
  • Thank you for the wonderful hobby it bring such joy to my life. Tick.
  • Thank you for showing me the power and energy within. Tick tick.
  • Thank you for the steady stream of clients and the opportunity to work with people whom I like and connect with. Tick.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not on the set of Mary Poppins, but certainly life is good and not as scary or grey as I thought. We still have little blips on the journey but that’s kinda fun, dumping the shit I don’t need.

Forever grateful…


I most definitely recommend Brona to anyone who feels unsure of their journey, people who feel disconnected and unfulfilled. People who know they have more to offer the world and want to make a change in their life, from a personal or career perspective. People who know they have love in the hearts but can’t share it.

You know who you are if you are reading this – Brona is brilliant and a breath of fresh air in a pond full of corporate coaches and sharks, she is different and truly genuine and caring.

- Cathal Dineen (Ireland ) -

Interested in hearing more about this program? Sign up here for updates!

'I watched and listened to Brona coach several women, including myself, helping each one to move through and past emotional/spirit blockages, and move toward manifesting their desires. 

Through this work, I challenged some perceptions that were holding me in place. I also felt, through the space Brona holds, my power and my worth. 

She is a gifted and insightful coach, and I wholeheartedly encourage anyone who has a chance, to work with her. Your life will expand in the best ways!

- Leslie Pereira (New York | USA)

Brona, you opened up this whole new world of possibilities to me. I never knew I had the capacity for real change until you rocked on into my zoom app, got into my head and started moving the furniture around!
You and this work are a miracle to me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. You honestly have changed my life.

- Sally Delaney (Ireland)

When you choose to work with Brona she will guide you to deeply connect with that inner sacred part of yourself that knows ALL the answers, whilst allowing you to understand, acknowledge and shift through the core shadow feelings™ which can hold you back from tapping into your full potential.

- Gillian Mc Carthy (Dublin | Ireland)


1. I'm self conscious and shy. I'm not sure I will be comfortable in a group setting?

This is all about doing what's comfortable for you. The modules will be mailed to your inbox. If you don't fancy joining the group call, don't. Mail in your question and you can catch the recording. Or you can join the call with your camera off.

Participants in the past have shared how vulnerable they felt joining a group but how it actually made the whole experience them. They realised from listening to other's speak, that we really all do share and go through the same struggles in life. They felt less alone and more connected.

As Florence Scovel Shinn shared: 'No man can fail, if some one person sees him successful'. This is an opportunity to join a community of like minded souls, who will hold you to your dreams, with everyone supporting each other into their highest potential, life and inside out success.

2. What happens if I can’t make the live calls? 

No worries. Here’s why:  

> Everything will be recorded so you can catch the call at a time that works for you and your schedule.

> You can submit your question/challenge beforehand and I will answer them live.

> I will be present in the group online to offer support/ coach/ answer Q's as well. 

3. Will this approach work for me?

This is a tried, tested & proven approach.

If you are willing and open, and you invest time and energy into the process, I believe so, yes.

Results do vary depending on where you are at.

This approach is a mix of what has worked best for me in my own life and business: a blend of effective modalities that harness the power of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies.

To date, I’ve worked privately with 100’s of clients ( nearly at the 1,000) from all over the world, from different cultures and backgrounds, here’s what they regularly share with me after using this approach.

> ’Wow. I never knew this was possible for me.’

( This is normally shared after they experience a major letting go or a healing of a certain problem / challenge/ issue that has been weighing them down, or they have been struggling with for years. It can be shared after manifesting a result they desired, when an opportunity they never considered falls into their lap or when a door opens where previously none existed.)

> 'After trying ( and spending money on) so many different approaches, this was the approach that worked for me.’

> ‘This approach helped me remove the noise and clutter from my mind.’

> ‘This approach has helped me find what was missing in my life/ business/ relationship: ME!

> ‘This approach helped me really listen deeply to my intuition and use my inner voice.’

4. But surely no one sized approach fits all Brona? 

This type of approach/coaching is very much guided by your Higher Self, your spiritual dream team and the Divine.

It tailors itself to work with you and through you using Universal truths and laws around power and energy.

It can help you tap into and rewire your inner power so you stop creating what you don’t want and instead start creating what you do want.

5. Are you a career coach?

No. However…..

This work is so powerful that clients become their own career coaches.

Connecting with your purpose is SO powerful that it leads and guides the way.
As is creating an inside out vision which I do with my clients because a vision will activate a power far greater than you to act on your behalf.
As is dissolving inner blocks in the way of all of the above.

As a result, the clients I work with get dream job offers with more pay, less stress and less hours.

Door opens where previously none existed.

Even during world pandemics.

And the jobs were happy side affects compared to everything else they received in our time together.

6. Are you a business coach?

I'm a certified professional coach and business was one of my niches I specialised in.

As well as that I have worked in business and sales for the majority of my working life. I've been top sales person and highest commission earner quite a few times. I've managed sales teams that have nailed and crushed their targets, events teams that have wined and dined the corporate and VIP worlds, whilst also securing headline sponsorship for top Irish events.

That said, I'm not your regular business coach.

I'm a transformational coach who can work with you on the blocks that are/will affect you and your business. This is powerful for a few different reasons:

> Heart centered, soul powered, conscious business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs benefit from this work. If you're working from your heart and doing the work you've been called to do, issues of the heart will come up to be worked through also. That's where this work is powerful. Usually what people think is holding them back in their business is not what's *really* holding them back.

> Not fully tapping into your power greatly impacts your get up and go, energy, time and money. With this kind of work, we plug your energy leaks which directly impacts your time, energy, money and resources. I have had business clients increase their monthly income by 46% with no new promotions, offers, PR or marketing. The only changes made were the internal ones.

6. Is your approach NLP based? Or CBT based? Does it incorporate mindfulness? 

The Power In You Approach™ is one that I have developed over the past 12+  years. 

It’s a whole approach that touches all levels of your being - the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. 

It’s a mix of what has worked best for me in my own life, finances, relationships and business. It’s also what has worked best with the clients I serve.

It’s a blend of effective modalities that harness the power of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies AKA the power in you. 

When we are covering the mind, you will find elements in there similar to NLP and other mind based approaches.

™Personally, I have just found that to really shift and make lasting changes requires an awareness and a tapping into on all levels.

The Power In You Approach™ does that.

The mind is powerful - really and truly so powerful and is an amazing tool when used in unison with our spiritual, emotional and physical bodies as well. It supports our focus. Using our other bodies, we determine where to direct that focus.

For example, someone connected to their spiritual body is filled with purpose and meaning. They know what their gifts are, they are inspired by their dreams, their unique path. Once they have that clarity, the mind supports them in carrying this purpose out. Here, the the mind serves the Spirit.

The emotional body lets us know where they are in relation to that path.

The physical body is the container - the fundamental expression of the other three bodies.

The mind can become aware of patterns and problems but unless connected to the other bodies, in particular the Spiritual and the Emotional, the mind can stay stuck playing out those patterns and problems. 

In my experience, we as a society tend to approach things from purely from a mental and/or physical level ( our feminine power.).

This means that you are only tapping into 50% of your inner resources and expecting 100% of the results.

Although change might happen, unless you harness the resources in your spiritual and emotional bodies, it will always require more effort, pushing, stretching, straining and willpower. Which leads to frustration, burnout, overwhelm, giving up, negative inner talk and so the cycle of self sabotage continues on.

Tapping into all 4 bodies is wholeness. It’s tapping into ALL of you and harnessing ALL of your inner power.

In my experience people overlook the spiritual and the emotional bodies ( our feminine power). The spiritual is what fuels enthusiasm, ease and perseverance. The emotional body is where change actually begins to happen on a cellular level in the body. Leave these out and your best laid plans fall prey to struggle and a re-emergence of so called ‘negative’ emotions and patterns. 

Got more Q's.. email:


Brona Malone, co-creator of the ‘The Power In You Transformational Approach™’, helps her clients be the powerful force they were born to be in so they get to live the life they are meant to be living, creating the kind of success their soul deeply desires.  

Previous clients have called her; a guide, a teacher, a light beam, professional, personable, spiritual, spiritual but not spiritual, spiritual yet practical and accessible, holistic, their Mr. Miyagi and Mary Poppins with a bag of tricks and tools for every situation that arises.  

Since 2009 she has coached 100’s of clients from across the globe, many claiming they are now living the ‘impossible’ version of their lives. She has worked with many different beautiful clients from all different paths & from all corners of the globe; the emerging, the courageous, the creative, the entrepreneur, the sensitive empath, the gifted, the caring, the adventurous, the out of the box, the soulful, the free spirited, the wild, the yogi, & the achiever.  

Brona helps them get deeply rooted in who they are here to be and what they are here to do. With this kind of clarity, mountains are moved, doors open that previously did not exist and opportunities land in their lap, effortlessly and with ease.  

Side effects of connecting deeply with your soul and inner power: Soulmates are met, love blossoms, businesses are started, new paths are taken, dream jobs/business opportunities are offered out of nowhere, weight is lost, smiles are wider, friends make comments like’ there’s something different about you. What’s different?’. Relationships/wounds are healed. You wake up happy/ content/in a completely different life, but happier than before.  

You can have all this too….  

 Brona was awarded a scholarship, receiving her Professional Coaching Certificate from the International Coach Academy. She blends coaching with her explorative, hippy, adventur-loving side along with a background in business to offer you practical solutions full of miracles, that will forever transform you, your life and your business, for the better.  

 Brona has completed her Reiki Levels I and II, a 200 hour yoga teacher training, along with courses in Tantra, psychic development and meditation all over the world. She is also a life long student of the Course in Miracles.